
Struts 2 j2ee 1.4

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  • #330283 Reply

    Tom Murray

    It seems that servlet api 2.4 and Java 5 are the requirements to run Struts2 from the Struts 2 documentation. I am tied to WAS 6.1 for awhile longer and cannot run EE5. So, I configure my 2.4 webapps by adding the Struts 2 libs as user libraries. I use version of Struts2. My apps execute on Tomcat and Was 6.1 no problem.

    My question is why can’t I add the Struts2 project capability to the 2.4 webapp? I get an error that says it must be EE5.

    Forgot! I am running latest version of Blue, Version: 10.6 Blue
    Build id: 10.6-Blue-20120727 on Win7 Pro 64 bit.

    I do have Java 5 as my JRE, so the project is supporting Java 5.

    #330314 Reply



    Struts 2 is targeted for Java 5.The specifications listed in the Struts2 documentation are minimum requirements. So it is right in the way MyEclipse does not allow you to add Struts 2 capabilities to projects which do not support Java 5.

    Let us know if you have any issues.

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