N Wayne Parrott
Product Research & Co-founder of Genuitec, LLC. Follow at @wayne_parrott.
Posted on Jun 9th 2016 bob-15Hi, this is Wayne, one of the Genuitec founders. This is a special week as Genuitec celebrates its 15th anniversary. Its been an awesome personal and team adventure serving the Java, web and mobile developer communities with our programming tools and tool management platform. From day #1 our vision has been to provide full-stack JEE and web developers an awesome programming experience at an affordable price. We are thankful to the over 1 million of you that have subscribed to our MyEclipse product line over these past years. This year we are continuing to evolve our programming platform to provide you the new tools you need for your evolving technology stack.

Modern Web Tools and CLI Workflows

We recently began shipping a new class of programming tools for the modern web stack. Combine JSjet, an all new JavaScript including ES6 programming plugin for Eclipse, angular.js coding support and LivePreview and you can more quickly create api’s and modern web user experiences. Create your own custom workflows by coupling these tools with the new integrated Terminal View for running commandline interface (CLI) tools directly from within your editing environment.

IDE Management for IntelliJ, WebStorm and All Things Eclipse

We recognize there is no one tool for everyone. We have enhanced our IDE mangement platform, Secure Delivery Center, to include enterprise deployment, distribution and license delivery for JetBrains’ IntelliJ and WebStorm products along side Genuitec’s Eclipse-based products and open-source Eclipse. This is the perfect solution to any organization that wants to provide their programmers the tools they want to use. Pretty sweet! Finally, we would not be here if it were not for the dedication, hard work and ingenuity of our coworkers and the support of their families. We owe them a debt of gratitude for their commitment to providing you with professional-grade products and services. If you haven’t already, take a second to subscribe to stay up to day with our latest news!