Posted on Aug 13th 2015

Yes! MyEclipse gets better with time. Just like wine. The new 2015 CI 14 update brings you some really amazing features that you can’t pass by!

Starting with a robust JavaScript Debugger for Web and Node.js, you'll be able to use breakpoints in the debugger and use variables and expression. You'll debug your web applications in MyEclipse, as easy as eating pie!


A visual inspection of RESTful web services using REST Inspect.  This feature allows you to discover, create and test endpoints. Save endpoints with different parameters and then use these saved endpoints for testing by you and your team. 


Yes, we know it’s awesome.

You can immediately start benefiting from these new features by simply upgrading to the latest stream on your MyEclipse, and that’s it, you’ll be happy.

But, if you’re not a MyEclipse customer already (shame on you!) you can still try these features too! We are now making available a separate add-on for Eclipse called Webclipse. Webclipse makes available these new key features in MyEclipse for users who need to also work in a vanilla Eclipse platform.


So, there you go! Turn on MyEclipse, upgrade, and be happy!