Brian Fernandes
Director of Customer Engagement - Loves technology and almost everything related to computing. Wants to help you write better software. Follow at @brianfernandes.
Posted on Jun 15th 2023

This is a minor bug-fix release for 2023.1.0. If you already have MyEclipse 2023 installed, simply check for updates in-product (Help > Check for Updates…) to pick up this new release. Alternatively, download our updated offline installers to install 2023.1.1, or if you’re a MyEclipse Secure customer, use Get Packs in the SDC admin console.

In case you missed it, please read our 2023 release blog, packed with juicy details on all the features we delivered in this major release.


If you had an old version of create-vue already installed, our new Vue 3 wizard could create projects with older versions of Vue, missing resources or incomplete metadata. We’ll now ensure the latest version of Vue 3 is used. We’ll work towards providing additional control here in future releases.

Additional issues around incorrect or missing validation of TypeScript sources in Vue projects, duplicate content assist proposals and broken inline references have also been addressed.

Vue Content Assist

Legacy Tooling Support

We realize it’s often difficult to move on from legacy tooling and frameworks for a variety of reasons. With MyEclipse, we strive to keep these technologies working for you, even after they are abandoned by the rest of the ecosystem.

One of our users complained that in 2023.1.0, they could no longer launch Ant builds with Java 8. While we provided a workaround, with this release, you will now, once again, be able to launch Ant builds with Java 8.

Ant with Java 8

Another MyEclipse user brought to our attention the fact that some CVS operations were not working. We’ve fixed this as well and you can now continue to interact with your CVS repositories as before.

Miscellaneous Fixes

A regression in 2023.1.0, the dependencies-only Maven facet would not result in Maven dependencies being actually added to the project – this functionality has now been restored. Several additional Maven fixes were made, including a fix that prevents dependency resolution from taking place too often.

Maven Dependencies Only Mode

A few fixes to our Quarkus / Qute tooling to ensure corresponding language support is made available only when appropriate.

The default Open Type hotkey was incorrectly bound to the Open Symbol action, even when editing Java files. The default binding has now been restored.

On Linux, we fixed an issue where the MyEclipse installer would not work with Java 17 and/or the Wayland display protocol.

If you joined a CodeTogether session from MyEclipse, the client editor showing the host files would be unusable – you can now easily code together … again!

CodeTogether in MyEclipse

We’ve fixed an issue where a large number of JPA update jobs would unnecessarily run, spamming your progress view.

Thank You For The Feedback!

We appreciate the quick and detailed reports of the issues you’ve hit in the 2023.1.0 release. Please continue to send in your feedback on MyEclipse; new features you’d like to see, bugs bothering you, and any other annoyances – drop us a tweet, or email us.