Anabella Watson
Marketing & Social media lead. Loves tacos.
Posted on Jan 15th 2016

We wanted to start the year the right way, and for us the right way means adding new tools that will improve on every way possible your coding experience, even if that means we gotta apply this to all our products. So be it! Whether it’s a traditional Java EE desktop application, web front or back-end, or mobile project, we are sure there is something for you.

Let’s start with MyEclipse. MyEclipse 2015 Stable 3.0 comes with an avalanche of new features, ranging from a JavaScript debugger to even being able to share code snippets with your team with our Slack Integration. Cool, huh? There are several productivity improvements like Gerrit workflow support and a Breadcrumb toolbar along with fixes and enhancements to core areas like Server support, WebSphere and PhoneGap. These features and fixes have been available on the MyEclipse 2015 CI stream and have been refined over the interim releases for the Stable stream.

MyEclipse 2015 CI 19 focuses mainly on those bug fixes that we all love. You know what we all love too? PhoneGap! You know those release builds you were having some issues with? You are probably wondering about them. Yep, those work great now.

Last but not least, Webclipse. Webclipse 2015 CI8 release includes Emmet support, which will greatly enhance your CSS and HTML workflow. You must know by now how tiresome can be to type in loads of markup or make edits easily and as quickly as possible, well now you’ve got Emmet!

Unlike regular snippet functionality, with Emmet you can type CSS-like expressions which are dynamically parsed and then expanded immediately into well formed markup, saving you a lot of typing and what’s best, also a lot of time!

Check the delivery log for more details of each release in the MyEclipse 2015/Webclipse 2015 Stable/CI stream.

All releases available now for download! Go ahead and check them out!

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