Anabella Watson
Marketing & Social media lead. Loves tacos.
Posted on Feb 24th 2016
Over the last couple of months we have had many important releases go out the door for MyEclipse and our latest product, Webclipse. It was time for Secure Delivery Center to catch up, and to be able to provide you and your team with all these features with just a few clicks.
SDC 2015 SR4 allows administrators to designate supported platforms for a selected software inside the Admin Console. This gives more power to administrators to control exactly what software will get installed for their teams for each target operating system. Along with this, we are also improving detection of supported platforms of imported Third Party libraries giving a better automatic package install/upgrade experience.


A couple of weeks ago we were excited to announce MyEclipse 2016 CI 0 was now based on Mars. Today we are excited to announce that SDC now supports it. Just go to get packs and get it once you have upgraded to SDC 2015 SR4! Check our SDC Release Highlight Journal here, before upgrading MyEclipse.

Aside from those two important features, we went bug hunting. Here are some of our most popular fixes:
  • Changed how the gathering of SDC Success program data is processed, reducing the CPU used.
  • Better filter detection for Third-Party Libraries, simplifying the automatic determination of OS reducing resolution failures.
  • Fixed how Info.plist is generated for Eclipse packages and how the cache gets cleaned for Mac, including tweaks for El Capitan.
  • Allow importing of very large update sites into Third-Party Libraries — now supporting sites larger than 2GB.
