Tim Webb
Vice President of Operations and a passionate technologist who thrives on merging software and marketing. Follow @timrwebb for periodic musing. A developer by birth, an optimizer by necessity, a forever believer in the ability of software to improve what you do.
Posted on Jun 27th 2018

We are in the home stretch of the CodeMix technical preview! CodeMix 2.0 is shaping up nicely and will be available in the fall of 2018. It’s packed full of new features like integrated TypeScript transpilation, a more responsive Terminal, a new version of Angular IDE built on top of CodeMix 2.0, and so much more! It also includes all of your favorite Webclipse features.

If you’re currently using the CodeMix technical preview, you’ve got even more to be excited about. We just released version 2018.6.27, our biggest update yet, and it is full of good stuff you are sure to love! Take a look…

Faster Validation

When validating your projects, CodeMix is now much faster in working through those files. More is coming in this area in our 2.0 (GA) release next month but this one really smooths it out.

Friendly Validation

Unfortunately our validation wasn’t validating what you might want it to validate! From Project > Properties you can now control exactly what CodeMix validates. Your input was valid and we heard you!

Simplified Launch Configurations

For common technologies like Node, PHP, and Python, it is now much easier to set up launch configurations from the UI without needing to muck in launch.json. Hello simplified debugging.

Better HTML Linting

The HTML validation was a bit aggressive especially when it came to Spring files you were using like xhtml or Angular html files. The default validation is now much more normal, focusing on larger structural issues and not minor things like uppercase attributes. And if you care about attribute case, you can turn checks back on.

Plays Nice with Others

CodeMix falsely believed it was always best. We’ve tried to educate it a bit and now it respects that JSP, JSF, YAML, etc. editors from standard Eclipse plugins are indeed better! For validation, by default it’ll leave alone your current PyDev or PDT validation. No need to replace something already working well!

VS Code Engine Compatibility

You may have noticed that some extensions have stopped working if you’ve used VS Code alongside CodeMix. This is because those extensions may have been automatically updated. CodeMix now allows you to keep using those updated extensions. In addition, starting with CodeMix GA (2.0), you’ll be getting rapid updates to new VS Code versions.

Executables Verified

Trying to configure PHP or Python with CodeMix? Settings will now help ensure that the executable can be found either in the path or by absolute location. OK, the ugly side of the old logic was it would warn even if PHP was already in your path. CodeMix is deeply sorry for any confusion!

Not Using CodeMix?

Whether you are using MyEclipse or Eclipse, CodeMix lets you take advantage of the wide array of tooling, language, and framework support that is available with Visual Studio Code and with a plethora of extensions built on Code OSS. CodeMix is free to try for 45 days, and if you’re already using a Genuitec IDE, it’s compatible with your existing paid license. 

Download CodeMix Preview