
Double click in package explorer

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  • #296677 Reply


    Double clicking on a file in the package explorer does not always open the
    requested file, but gives focus on an already opened file

    This is very annoying.


    Teun Hoogendoorn.

    My installation details:

    *** Date:
    woensdag 25 maart 2009 10:51:58 uur CET

    ** System properties:
    OS version=5.1.0
    Java version=1.5.0_11

    *** MyEclipse details:
    MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench
    Version: 7.1.1
    Build id: 7.1.1-20090310

    *** Eclipse details:
    MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench

    Version: 7.1.1
    Build id: 7.1.1-20090310

    Eclipse startup command=-os
    C:\development\Genuitec\MyEclipse 7.1\myeclipse.exe
    C:\development\Genuitec\MyEclipse 7.1\../Common\plugins\org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.win32.win32.x86_1.0.101.R34x_v20080731\eclipse_1115.dll
    C:\development\Genuitec\MyEclipse 7.1\../Common\plugins\org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.0.101.R34x_v20080819.jar
    C:\development\Genuitec\MyEclipse 7.1\configuration

    #296687 Reply


    Hi there,

    I have the same problem:

    Double clicking on a file in the package explorer does not always open the
    requested file, but gives focus on an already opened file

    I have this problem everytime i try to open a file!


    #296854 Reply



    The same problem is occuring in my application.
    When I double click, most of the time the wanted file doesn’t open. Instead it focusses on a already opened file.
    I can only open the file with ctrl-shift-r.

    Any tips / help ?


    #296856 Reply



    I experience the exact same problem. Does anyone know if there is a work-around for this problem?

    #296945 Reply


    If I change to “Single click” for “Open mode” (General settings) opening of files works better, but
    I would realy like to double click if possible.


    Teun Hoogendoorn

    #297090 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Guys, we are currently trying to run this bug down with the help of a few users — would anyone here be willing to install Wireshark (www.wireshark.org) and monitor network traffic generated when a file is selected or double-clicked in the package explorer to see if any is generated? We have been trying to run down this “pausing” behavior for 3 days and so far cannot reproduce it in our environments. If we can get more information from folks that *are* reproducing it, it would be hugely helpful for us to debug this for 7.5

    #297126 Reply

    Riyad Kalla


    Another thing I would like some of you having performance problems to try is the following:

    1. Start up MyEclipse
    2. Confirm that package explorer is performing poorly
    3. Go to Window > Preferences > Pulse > Network Settings
    4. Under compatibility mode set it to the 4th item “Native Java network connectivity”
    5. Restart MyEclipse

    now try and see if the package explorer’s performance is still misbehaving. Please report any findings here — positive or negative.

    We really appreciate the help with this guys.

    NOTE #1: The Native Java communication stack does not support NTLM proxies, if you make this change in order to test the scenario above for poor package-explorer performance, be sure to change the setting back so your NTLM proxy can be communicated through properly by Pulse.

    NOTE #2: If you don’t see the 4th option and only have 3 options, you need to get the latest “Pulse Services” update. You can do this by going to MyEclipse > Manage MyEclipse Plugins, that will open the Dashboard and present updates to you if available.

    NOTE #3: If you are in a proxied environment and otherwise are having problems getting updates via the dashboard, you can set the mode to “Maximum compatibility” and restart MyEclipse — in most cases this will correct communication problems and allow you to get the update, restart and then try out the original steps above.


    As a followup to the post directly above this one about using Wireshark to sniff out the traffic that MyEclipse is generating, you can also turn on the Pulse communication log (see FAQ tip) to see what traffic is specifically going over the HTTP transport. This would require your “Communication mode” on the preference page Window > Prefs > Pulse > Network Settings to be set to 1 of the first 3 options (not Native Java) in order to get an accurate communication log, but it might be easier since the traffic reported in the log would be specific to MyEclipse/Pulse and not your entire system network traffic that Wireshark would capture.

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    #297183 Reply

    Hi Riyad,

    Thanks for your response.

    I’ve tried the Native Java network connectivity (and restarted MyEclipse), but it did not help. The second
    file I tried to open did focus my already opened file…

    I’ve switched off everything under Window > Preferences > Tasks (I do not use this, but it is default turned on), and it lookes
    promising. Every file opens fine now, but I shall keep you informed if this continues to work.

    Teun Hoogendoorn

    #297185 Reply

    It did not help after all…

    But I’m able to reproduce the double click problem.

    1) Open a file from the package explorer.
    2) Double click on an other file in the package explorer.
    3) Before it opens (you will have to be quick ;)) move the mouse to the window with the already opened file.

    You will see the already opened file gets focus, but the file you double clicked will not open.

    Teun Hoogendoorn

    #297187 Reply


    Hi all,

    I couldn’t force reproduction of the double click problem before. It just happened occasionally. But now when I follow the instructions of th76 and try to open a file by double-clicking it and move my mouse from the package explorer over the window of an already opened file before the double clicked file has opened, the file I double clicked doesn’t open. This confirms the reproduction method of Teun Hoogendoorn as posted before.

    Now at least I know what triggers the problem but it still is quite annoying. If this isn’t a bug and anyone knows a solution or a setting please post it here. Otherwise please fix this.

    Joost Vermeer

    #297188 Reply


    I’ve narrowed the problem down to the “Link with Editor” button in the package explorer. The double
    click problem only happens when I enable this function.

    Teun Hoogendoorn

    #297195 Reply


    Hi Teun,

    I See. The same happens here. The problem doesn’t occur when the package explorer isn’t linked to the editor.
    However the folder trees of my projects are too large to work without the link between the package explorer and the editor so disabling this link is not an option.
    Thank you for your efforts so far but this isn’t the solution for me.

    Joost Vermeer

    #297253 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Guys, excellent followup, I appreciate the additional details… unfortunately I cannot reproduce this. Here’sw hat I’m doing exactly

    1. MyEclipse 7.1.1
    2. New workspace
    3. New Web Project
    4. Create a new class “MyClass” in the /src dir, the new class opens up in the Java editor
    5. Double-click the default index.jsp and move my mouse over into the Java editor while the JSP editor opens
    <I”m assuming at this point I should see the bug>
    6. The new editor opens fine

    I also retried the flow by clicking at Step #5 to refocus the Java editor, that didn’t break it either. A few thoughts popped up:

    1. What other plugins do you have installed? I’ll try and replicate this.
    2. What kinds of files are you opening? Can you reproduce this with any of the Examples on Demand projects in MyEclipse so I can use the same test-cases locally?

    #297280 Reply



    It occurs as far as i know with every filetype i’ve tried to open. The files do not have to be placed in the same folder. You can try to open 2 random files.
    Your steps are correct but there might be missing a step.
    Did you enable the ‘Link with editor’ button at the top of the package explorer? The problem occurs only when this function is enabled. Your reply doesn’t mention the link with editor button.
    Also you should be quite fast with moving the mouse over the editor. It should be over the editor before you see the new file opening.

    I hope this might help reproducing the problem.

    Joost Vermeer

    #297282 Reply


    Thanks for your response.

    I can reproduce it with a new workspace:

    1) I’ve created a new workspace.
    2) Installed MyBlogJSFJPAExample.
    3) Place the package explorer on the left of your workspace (so that it’s stays visible when openening a file)
    4) Click link with editor in the package explorer.
    5) Create a new webproject “test” (Java EE 5.0)
    6) Create a new class Test.java
    7) Open Test.java
    8) Double click PostController.java and move the mouse very fast to the window with Test.java open

    Also when the projects are larger (such as mine) it is easier to reproduce, opening of files takes longer, so
    you have more time to move your mouse.


    Teun Hoogendoorn

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