
Mobi One – Bye Bye

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  • #352092 Reply

    Or pherhaps a first year free trial (or extended trial period) for mobione users to try to learn and familiarise themselves with myEclipse.

    #352094 Reply

    G’day stickleback

    1) I am also from Brisbane. The ending of mobione is hurting me as well. I have spent a couple of years researching, designing, and developing a range of related and novel special purpose apps. Now, after a large investment of time, and several thousand dollars of added js functionality coding, the rug is being pulled from under my feet. I also paid to have template coding done to let me rapidly create a range of related eBooks to be assembled etc using the mobione software. Now, my company could be killed before I even start, after investing a large amount of savings to support myself, my learning curve, app development, web site design/ build, and numerous other costs.

    The closing of mobione is perfectly timed to try and kill my company before it leaves the nest. I would not have purchased the software a few months ago if I knew it was going to be killed.

    2) Just to show I can deliver a reverse sh** sandwich, I found the mobione software almost perfect for helping me endlessly play with aesthetics and structure, so that my designs, structure and functionality etc became more elegant and simple as I learned.

    3) Also, while I am on the soapbox, what’s with the flippant “I don’t give a sh**” display in mobione when you try playing a video in the simulator. I screen captured it and am sending to other company Directors through LinkedIn. The popup says something like “have I earned a cheese burger?”. There is a success or fail button below and a text input screen. There is also some text that is impossible to read (which might actually be useful advice … I could just read a couple of words mentioning JSON files).

    I’m sure most company directors would be less than impressed with such a flippant attitude towards their clients who paid for their products.

    rgds, polky
    Director of Science, MSc (JCU), DPhil (Oxford)

    #352098 Reply

    Darshan Patel

    are you kidding me!!!

    mobione tool is just so awesome!! why you want to end this, i bought the license just few months ago, and its not about only the money; i have dedicated my last few months in learning and building my app.. which is just about complete and i am going to put it on the app store soon… and what i see is the end of mobione!!!

    #352107 Reply


    Hey polky, I’m also an Oxford DPhil! (matriculated Hertford ’98)

    #352111 Reply


    Let’s all get together and demand that this does not happen! A bit of the ethics must have!
    In more than 30 years of work, I’ve never seen anything like this!

    #352113 Reply



    They have made the decision, simple as that 🙁

    There is nothing we can do about it; its their product, under their control and our money has gone with them.

    Bottom line … they have given us ALL the finger.

    So, can anyone suggest alternative software? 🙂

    #352116 Reply


    None of the team Genuitec talking about?
    We gave you confidence, you have helped to grow and this is your thanks?

    #352117 Reply


    The software will still function after the end of life but I guess the build process will go. If they can come up with a way to easily import the M1 generated application files into ME and do the builds there I don’t see a problem. They have to do something or they will get sued by someone.

    #352118 Reply


    Why should we still trust them, and pay to use their products?
    And maybe in a year have the same problems?
    And a program that ends his life, no longer follow the new features that will arise in the future. Sorry for my English.

    #352119 Reply



    Your right 🙂

    #352120 Reply


    Tim Webb and Wayne Parrot if if heaven exsists you will find it difficult to get in, twice your age I will be there first. Absolute disgrace

    #352121 Reply


    I agree w/ Stickleback. The real valuable intellectual property here is the visual designer. I don’t see why that isn’t being ported to MyEclypse, along with the ability to open Mobione projects in MyEclypse.

    #352148 Reply


    Absolute silence?
    No one says anything? And we stuck with all our work!
    Genuitec, what should we do?
    Absurd !!

    #352149 Reply



    I’m playing with MyEclipse; I want to continue the learning process but the more I look at this, the more I feel that newbies like me are being squeezed out of the game

    So far :

    Dead link in ‘My Dashboard : http://cordova.apache.org/announcements/2014/08/04/android-351.htm

    The tutorial for starters like me talks about how to set up an app project but the reference has be depreciated?

    Pulling my hair out and wondering why they didn’t at least create working examples projects so I can at least get to grips on how to start 🙁

    #352155 Reply


    I’m migrating to Intel XDK. So much easier than MyEclypse — and free! I’ve successfully imported my Mobione project into Intel XDK.

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