
Remarks, Questions & Enhancements

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Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
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  • #255068 Reply

    Roel De Nijs

    This message has not been recovered.

    #255106 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    This message has not been recovered.

    #255146 Reply

    Roel De Nijs

    This message has not been recovered.

    #255200 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    This message has not been recovered.

    #256304 Reply

    Roel De Nijs

    i installed the 5.0 GA release today (first de-installed the M2-release of course) and then i had a look at the 3 points i posted in this thread.

    None of those 3 got solved and for number 3 that’s a big problem for me, because i need it. so is there a work-around ???

    some weeks ago i had the same question, but no answer so i assumed no work-around. maybe i have now more luck

    #256552 Reply

    Roel De Nijs

    i keep asking this question until it’s answered: is there a workaround for this issue (as posted in the first post of this thread):

    3. i have a own bean Resultaat (containing an int and a String). One of my web services has a method with the signature (purpose of this method: given the name of a table, return an object of type Resultaat containing the name of the table and the number of rows in the table):

    public Resultaat getAantalRecords(@WebParam(name="tabelNaam") String tabel) 

    when i use the top down wizard and i select the appropriate wsdl, my own Resultaat-class is overwritten by a generated one (makes no difference in which package i put this class, nor if i fill in the package input field in the wizard, it’s always overwritten). so my code got broken, because i use in the method implementation some methods and a constructor that don’t exist in the generated one. Is this some bug or how do i have to solve this?

    #256606 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    We’ve been discussing strategies to tackle the bigger issue here, while we don’t have a perfect workaround, something you could do is create another source folder just for generated files and generate the WS classes into that directory and then just erase the duplicate Resultaat class.

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
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