Brian Fernandes
Director of Customer Engagement - Loves technology and almost everything related to computing. Wants to help you write better software. Follow at @brianfernandes.
Posted on Aug 6th 2018

MyEclipse 2018 is here, and as you will see and experience, this release has been well worth the wait. We’ve got Java 10 support, Java EE 8 across our enterprise wizards, and core improvements from building on Eclipse Photon. New features include code mining for efficient source analysis, an enhanced startup experience, a new dark theme, and much more. Read on for an overview of what’s included in this release. For additional details, see the Delivery Log.

Java 9 & 10

This release includes support for both Java 9 and 10. Key highlights are support for Java 10’s new var keyword, and modules, which were introduced in Java 9.

There’s also support for JUnit 5.1, better handling of test sources within projects, a new Java Index that can improve your Java search experience, and dozens of other enhancements, which you can read more about in the JDT’s New & Noteworthy documentation.

Java EE 8

If you’re raring to get started with Java EE 8, we’ve added support for this version across a number of our Java EE project wizards, from Application Client projects to Web Service projects built with JAX-RS. There are a number of server connectors that can deploy Java EE 8 applications like Glassfish 5, Tomcat 9 and tcServer 4 (new in 2018), with more coming soon to the CI stream.


Many of you have been asking for DevStyle in MyEclipse – your wait is now over. DevStyle’s developer ergonomics are now a part of MyEclipse 2018, with an enhanced startup experience, additional themes, and an unobtrusive inline search. As an added bonus, we’ve got a new dark theme, Deep Black, in response to requests for a theme that’s even darker than Darkest Dark!

Code Mining

Our Java Code Mining support allows you to see references and implementations, without having to leave your source editor. If you have Git projects, you’ll be able to instantly see whom to blame for that latest bug in production.

We’ll be continuing to enhance our Code Mining support over the next few releases – let us know where you think it would be most beneficial.

Angular and TypeScript

You can create and deploy Angular 6 projects with this release of MyEclipse. TypeScript import handling has been made more robust, and if you were overwhelmed by too many TSLint errors, we’ve got a switch where rules failures will now always show as warnings instead. Angular and TypeScript support will see continued and significant improvements over the next few releases.

Spring Boot

The new Boot Dashboard can be used to manage your boot projects, and there are several additional options for boot launches, like a new Fast Startup option. Check the Boot preference page to configure these settings.

Eclipse Photon

This release skips over Eclipse Oxygen, jumping directly to Eclipse Photon. When compared with the last release of MyEclipse, this brings you two years of core Eclipse fixes, features, and enhancements. The ability to build in parallel, better looking workbenches on HiDPI displays, and a focus on usability across the IDE makes MyEclipse easier than ever to use.


Some of you have heard about CodeMix, or may have already installed it into MyEclipse. For those of you not in the know, Genuitec’s CodeMix plugin brings core VS Code technology to Eclipse, allowing most Code OSS extensions to work in Eclipse too – and CodeMix can be installed into MyEclipse 2018 as well. This gives you an enhanced development experience – from basics like HTML and CSS, to making it easy to work with frameworks like React and Vue.js, or even opening up your IDE for development in Python, PHP, or Go!

To get started with CodeMix in MyEclipse 2018, go to File > New > Other > CodeMix, choose any of the listed wizards and click the link to initiate the install. Best of all, CodeMix is free with your MyEclipse license! In the near future, CodeMix will be a part of the MyEclipse distribution, to give you the best possible experience out of the box. Visit the CodeMix Journey for more information.

Do you have feedback to share on MyEclipse 2018…any features you love, or think we’ve missed? Let us know by dropping us a line @MyEclipseIDE or in our forums. Remember to check the Delivery Log for additional details.

Download MyEclipse 2018