
CodeMix eLearing—Give It a Try! 

CodeMix is an Eclipse plugin that lets you add a wide array of popular web technologies into your development environment. CodeMix includes eLearning, interactive tutorials that make it easy to master new skills!  

  1. Add CodeMix to your Eclipse install. CodeMix is free to download and includes a 45 day trial!
    Download CodeMix
  2. Go to the CodeMix view. If you don’t see this view, select Window > Show View > Other > CodeMix, and select the CodeMix view. The CodeMix view includes a carousel with helpful resources, including tutorials.
  3. To view available tutorials, click through the carousel (or use the arrow keys) . A description appears to the right of the carousel.
  4. To start a tutorial, navigate to the desired tutorial and double-click the image, or click the Start Tutorial button. 

    CodeMix view

    Alternatively, click the Explore button above the carousel, and then select the desired tutorial under Interactive Tutorials.

    List of available tutorials
  5. The Tutorial view opens and a project is added to your IDE. Complete each step shown in the Tutorial view. For more information, refer to the CodeMix eLearning Guide.