Anabella Watson
Marketing & Social media lead. Loves tacos.
Posted on Dec 1st 2016 While our previous release included TypeScript, which provides you with incredible validation of syntax errors in your code, this release took code checking to a whole other level by adding TSLint. TSLint is an extensible linter for TypeScript and complements TypeScript by checking your code’s readability, maintainability, and functionality errors. TSLint can catch a number of potential problems—from style issues like whitespace and indentation, to functionality issues like duplicate variables, unused expressions or variables used before they are declared. Other fixes you might like: Angular 2
  • False negatives in Model validation when used in Angular templates have been corrected.
  • Content assist for Angular 2 code has been made more robust and reliable.
  • Content assist for the NG CLI in Terminal+ has been fixed for recent versions of the CLI.
  • Additional TypeScript 2.0 directives are now supported.
  • Linking problems between the Outline and TypeScript source has been fixed, allowing for smooth code navigation.
  • Miscellaneous errors when hovering over TypeScript source have been resolved.
  • When sharing TypeScript snippets with our Slack integration, the right MIME Type is now used.
  More details of this release in our delivery log!