Brian Fernandes
Director of Customer Engagement - Loves technology and almost everything related to computing. Wants to help you write better software. Follow at @brianfernandes.
Posted on Jul 22nd 2020
This release adds support for Angular 10, a new Vue.js based framework – Quasar, as well as key fixes that keep CodeMix running smoothly with the latest versions of Eclipse.

Angular 10

We’re happy to announce that Angular 10 support is here! Among dozens of other fixes, we will now support the new solution style tsconfig structure (tsconfig.base.json), and have improved support for Angular Template expressions in the editor.

Quasar Support for Vue

If you’re using the Quasar framework, we’ve updated our Vue extension, Vetur, to provide support.

Key Fixes

In some Eclipse distributions, our custom terminal, Terminal+ would fail to initialize with an NPE, this has been fixed.

Eclipse Wild Web Developer (WWD) editors would make themselves the default editors for certain file types every time you started your workspace. This would occur even if you explicitly chose to open these files with CodeMix. With this release, CodeMix editors will take precedence.

Been trying to use some of TypeScript’s newer features like optional chaining? We’ve upgraded our in-built TypeScript version from 3.6.3 to 3.9.2 so that you shouldn’t have any issues using the latest additions to the TypeScript language.

Note: If you install CodeMix into STS 4.7, STS may fail to start due to a provisioning issue. To fix this, you need to start STS with the -clean argument, see this post for additional details.

If you have comments or feedback on this release, or CodeMix in general, do reach out to us on Live Chat, Twitter or our forums – we’re always listening.