Darkest Dark Theme for Eclipse

Finally a way to take Eclipse fully dark
Download from Eclipse Marketplace
Click this button to download the DevStyle plugin with the Darkest Dark theme from the Eclipse Marketplace. It’s absolutely FREE!
Update site: https://www.genuitec.com/updates/devstyle/ci/
Download from Genuitec
Also included in our CodeMix plugin for Eclipse, Angular IDE, or MyEclipse Full Stack IDE. All are FREE to try!

Totally Customizable
- Impressive dark UI without any extra setup—Simple to turn on and off from Preferences>General>Appearance.
- Easily customized to your liking—It’s a breeze to customize your colors fromPreferences>General>DevStyle>Color Themes.
- Icons Set—Set the tone for your workspace. Primary colors too much for you? No problem, switch to Pastels or even Simply White icons.
- Editor Colors—Select from a lengthy list of color themes or download and import any dark theme from the Eclipse Color Themes page.
- Customize colors—Truly customize the workbench by creating a custom workbench color (light theme or dark), right down to a specific HSL value.
Learn more about DevStyle
Icons that Pop
Who would have thought an IDE could be sexy? With our modern flat icons on a fully dark theme, your IDE becomes a real looker!
- No more tired icons—Most Eclipse icons were designed for a light theme, just take a look at the Debug icon. With dynamically replaced icons from DevStyle, get icons that pop on a dark background.
- Tailored to you—With the Icon Designer, create your own custom icons. And as a valued member of the Genuitec community, sync with us to include your custom icon as a candidate for the DevStyle theme.
Learn more about the Icon Designer
Eclipse with DevStyle…it’s not your parents’ Eclipse
Get the free DevStyle plugin for Eclipse with the Darkest Dark Theme and more!
If you love the brawn of Eclipse, but are underwhelmed with its beauty and usability, get ready to see Eclipse in a whole new light. With DevStyle, you’ll get custom themes and icons, an improved startup experience, inline search and breadcrumb navigation.
Also included in CodeMix plugin for Eclipse, Angular IDE, or MyEclipse Full Stack IDE. All FREE to try!