
Genuitec's Blog

MyEclipse Blue Secure Edition: The Private Plugin Marketplace IBM Rational® Doesn’t Offer

Posted on Apr 26th 2012
Our secure environment for WebSphere® tools and technologies behind the firewall provides flexibility and security at a fraction of IBM tool costs -that’s a fact, and it’s designed specifically for WebSphere use and as a replacement for IBM Rational tools. Download / Learn more (white paper) Blue Secure has the distinction … Read More

End of Life Quick Sand

Posted on Apr 16th 2012
Enterprise risk management is a recent (but quickly maturing) science that tries to quantify the vulnerabilities and threats of operational changes in business environments, and take measures to ensure continuity. For information technology, these risks usually entails disaster recovery, security, theft and exploits. It is rare, however, that … Read More

The tools you need for IBM WebSphere®: The all-new MyEclipse Blue Edition

Posted on Mar 20th 2012
MyEclipse Blue 10.1 has smarter RAD migration, Java 7 and improved WebSphere archive support that highlight this product release. Download / Learn more MyEclipse Blue Enterprise Edition for IBM WebSphere® developers is a replacement or an adjunct technology to IBM Rational® tools, but it has the distinction of … Read More

Software Delivery. You’re Doing it Wrong.

Posted on Feb 23rd 2012
Wikis, emails, zip files, CDs and flash drives are no longer viable techniques to share software, as we’re seeing that companies are now using internal installers to control how software is used in the enterprise. With that, our  Secure Delivery Center (SDC) keeps IT projects on-time and on-budget … Read More

No Love? Open Source and the Enterprise, a Rocky Relationship

Posted on Feb 14th 2012
So, our support staff has recently fielded customer concerns regarding the use of Eclipse Open Source plugins. Some of the concerns are surprising, but the rest are more annoying than anything else. Here’s what we learned: * Eclipse.org removed support from its sites for last year’s Eclipse; enterprises … Read More

Deliver Popular, Certified Eclipse Plugins Inside the Firewall

Posted on Jan 31st 2012
Our Secure Delivery Center now includes popular Eclipse plugins in a certified, vetted format that are integrity tested and intended for use within the enterprise. Companies can now offer these certified Eclipse packs internally and know that the code bases have not been tampered with. Rather than setting … Read More

Happy 10th Birthday Genuitec! New MyEclipse 10.0 is really YourEclipse 10.0

Posted on Nov 3rd 2011
Since we’re a company and not a child, we get to wish ourselves a happy birthday. That’s the thinking around here. 🙂 Here’s a bit of back story (if we may):  Genuitec is 10 years old. But MyEclipse is 8 years old on its 10th version.  Actually, Genuitec … Read More

Go Bloat Yourself (With RAD)

Posted on Oct 18th 2011
We love IBM®. It’s the 800 lb gorilla in the Java market, and one of the key drivers behind Apache, Eclipse and enterprise innovation. They have the power and clout to create lasting, evolving marketplaces. Thumbs up. But, we have a serious bone to pick with a company that … Read More

IBM Employees Leaving RAD Behind?

Posted on Sep 15th 2011
IBM® (and specifically Rational) is one of Genuitec’s largest competitors. We’ve never been shy about that, nor do we apologize for putting their tools in the cross-hairs. We manufacture MyEclipse Blue Edition and MyEclipse Bling Edition specifically to service customers who want advanced WebSphere® IDEs at a lower … Read More
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