
Genuitec's Blog

MyEclipse 9.1 for WebSphere®: Lose your Job for Choosing Anything Else

Posted on Jul 7th 2011
The title says it all really. With the options available in MyEclipse compared to the high costs, weight, and vendor lock-in of IBM Rational® tools – you could lose your job investing in these overly expensive IBM® legacy solutions. But you do have options in MyEclipse, and today … Read More

Code Generation and the Developer Workflow

Posted on Jun 14th 2011
Recently, I had an interesting discussion with a MyEclipse for Spring (ME4S) customer regarding the integration of code generation tools into the software development process.  The IT Director highlighted for me how ME4S fits into their development workflow, sharing several diagrams that he uses to illustrate the software … Read More

Software Component Generation – The Value Proposition is Simple

Posted on Jun 6th 2011
MyEclipse for Spring 9.0 (ME4S) was released almost two months ago, and the feedback has been excellent. We’re happy to see so many developers and corporate IT shops share our belief that MyEclipse for Spring is the best IDE for Spring development. Frankly, there just isn’t any other … Read More

Tailoring Code Generation: An Example using Application Logging

Posted on Oct 20th 2010
If you haven’t already heard, the latest release of MyEclipse for Spring includes a new code generation customization feature that makes it easy to customize the templates that are used for code generation.  We’ve published a tutorial that walks you through the entire process of using the new feature, and … Read More

Adopt MyEclipse Blue Edition, Pay Off Your House?

Posted on Sep 22nd 2010
Genuitec is currently working with a household-named company to seamlessly migrate 1000 of their RAD (IBM Rational Application Developer) developers to MyEclipse Blue Edition. With the current price of RAD’s “Authorized User” licenses, even including a steep 30 percent discount, MyEclipse Blue Edition will save this company a … Read More

Making Functional Prototypes a Reality

Posted on Aug 17th 2010
Although there are several important technical areas of concern when developing production-ready software, its success fundamentally depends on having running code that implements the original conceptual ideas and functional requirements.  On the surface, this seems to be a straight forward and well understood problem to solve.  Talk to … Read More

Why Application Architecture Should Matter to Spring Developers

Posted on Jun 10th 2010
In the course of developing products and bringing them to market, it’s not always obvious which features are going to resonate with developers.  This week I had the pleasure of doing several demonstrations of MyEclipse for Spring 8.6 Milestone (M1) to Spring developers.  The premier 8.6 M1 features … Read More

Migrating Away from IBM Technologies

Posted on Mar 10th 2010
You already know that MyEclipse Blue Edition is a powerful IDE for IBM WebSphere developers. But did you know you can discard your IBM products all together? Of course, this saves time, money and energy while giving you greater flexibility. Here’s how: using MyEclipse Blue’s 35+ server connectors, … Read More
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