
Genuitec's Blog

Is MyEclipse Worth the Investment?

Posted on Oct 6th 2009
This is a question best left to a longtime user who recently explored other IDEs for use on his Mac… Since it doesn’t appear that a fix to the Apple JVM issue is “imminent,” and I think MyEclipse is the best tool out there, I’m going to use … Read More

MyEclipse Has 2-Click Deploy & Run Debugging

Posted on Aug 18th 2009
Did you know MyEclipse has 2-Click Deploy & Run Debugging? A lot of long-time MyEclipse users and new-MyEclipse users are very familiar with the more standard approach of first creating a deployment of their project to their configured application server, then starting up the application server, then opening … Read More

Configuring MyEclipse Blue Edition to Work With WebSphere 7 and RAD Projects

Posted on Jul 14th 2009
MyEclipse Blue Edition can work seamlessly with your existing WebSphere installations and RAD projects…really! Here’s how you can quickly get started by installing MyEclipse Blue Edition, configuring WebSphere 7 to work with MyEclipse and then pulling in RAD projects to work with… Getting Started First, we’ll assume you’ve … Read More

Are the Tables Turning in the Java Tools Market?

Posted on Mar 30th 2009
I was recently asked by an analyst if releasing and marketing MyEclipse Blue Edition in today’s economy was a good idea… After all, he reasoned, we’re up against the ‘800 pound gorilla’ that is the IBM Websphere platform, and running against virtually no competitors other than IBM’s own … Read More
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